Country Finance Manager Mozambique

WeWorld-GVC Maputo MOZAMBICO Amministrazione
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Descrizione azienda

WeWorld-GVC, recently constituted from the merger of two NGOs, is an Italian secular and independent organization working since 1971 in international cooperation and humanitarian aid. Present in 29 countries with 128 projects, WeWorld-GVC operates in the following areas of assistance: human rights (gender equality, prevention and combating violence against children and women, migration), humanitarian aid (prevention, emergency relief and rehabilitation), food security, access to water, health and hygiene, education, global citizenship education, quality teaching and international volunteering. WeWorld-GVC works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive world. Supports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the 2030 Agenda. Joining the WeWorld-GVC team means being part of the development of a dynamic organisation where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision. At present, the main donors are Italy (AICS), the EU (DG ECHO), UNICEF, OCHA, and Belgium (DGD).


Position: Country Finance Manager Mozambique

Location: Maputo

Type of contract: a first 4 (four) month collaboration contract subject to verification of the achievement of specific objectives (these objectives will be agreed upon arrival on assignment); a second collaboration contract of 8 (eight) months renewable, following the positive evaluation of the first three months of contract.

Deadline: 16 June 2022

Starting date: June/July 2022

Gross Salary: to be defined according to the candidate’s profile

Working context

WeWorld-GVC has been working in Mozambique since 2000 with development and emergency projects in the fields of education, food security and DRR in the provinces of Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane, Manica, Zambézia and Cabo Delgado. WeWorld-GVC carries out emergency projects in the provinces of Manica and Cabo Delgado; a three-year project to mitigate Niño drought effects in the province of Maputo starting in 2018 and in 2019 it has been intervening in response to IDAI and Kenneth cyclone to assist affected populations and in 2020 it has been intervening in response to COVID-19, social cohesion and peacebuilding in Cabo Delgado province. At present, our main donors in the country are Italy (AICS), the EU (ECHO), the UN (UNICEF, WFP, UNDP and FAO) and Swiss Cooperation.

The Country Finance Manager will be responsible for the administrative management of the projects funded by different donors implemented in Mozambique. Their responsibilities include financial reports, accounting, verification of supporting documents, procurement, human resources, planning and budgeting. It is required to work in close cooperation with the Project Managers and the Country Representative.

Main taks and Responsabilities

General Administration:

  • Track and manage deliverables and timelines related to grants, contracts, vendors, and partners
  • Monitor grant administration to ensure compliance with reporting and expenditure requirements
  • Supervise compliance of administrative documents and their proper filing
  • Ensure the smooth flow of administrative information and data to the HQ
  • Supervise flow of administrative information from project partners and the compliance with MoU
  • Design and implement administrative routines, procedures, and systems to increase efficiencies
  • Ensure compliance with Local Operational Manual, SOPs and develop procedures to implement organizational policies, including those related to HR management


  • Supervise and approve regular accounting, including monthly reconciliations, monthly and yearly closing of accounts, monthly journal entries

Financial Reporting

  • Support the preparation of financial reports, in coordination with HQ and administrative team, to ensure conformity with donors’ procedures
  • Supervise and approve annual financial report

Budget and planning:

  • Collaborate with the Country Representative, Sectors Coordinators and Project Managers to develop budgets
  • Collaborate with the Project Managers and Sector Coordinators to monitor actual and forecasted expenses against budget to avoid under and overspending on the projects
  • Monitor financial flows of the projects
  • Coordinate the preparation and constantly monitor/update of core budget of WeWorld-GVC in Mozambique


  • Coordinate the preparation and launch of tender dossier
  • Check the proper filing of procurement procedures
  • Collaborate with Project Managers to update procurement tables
  • Verifies that all projects’ procurement dossier is complete, and supervises its correct archiving

Audit and Expenditure Verification:

  • Ensure the timely preparation of all projects’ documents during audits and or project expenditure verifications
  • Collaborate to the management of financial audit performed on the projects
  • Supervise yearly financial audit on general accounting for local authorities
  • Prepare information and be directly responsible for any assessment/audit performed by donor on WeWorld-GVC administrative procedure

Human resources:

  • Supervise administrative and finance local personnel to complete routine tasks and provide for their capacity building
  • Participate in analysing staffing needs & costs, compensation & benefits, and performance review practices
  • Supervise compliance with all WW-GVC employment regulations relating to payroll, health insurance, work insurance, employee benefits
  • Support Country Director to monitor and revise where necessary salary scale, as well as supervising staff leaves, holidays, overtime and contractual obligations



Qualifications and Knowledge

  • Degree in Economics, Political Science or related fields
  • Good knowledge of main donors’ administrative rules and procurement procedures (ECHO, UE, UN, AICS)
  • Excellent knowledge of written and spoken Italian
  • Knowledge of written and spoken Portuguese/Spanish is preferred
  • Full professional competency in Microsoft Office Suite, especially Word, Excel and Outlook

Professional experience

  • At least 2 year of previous professional experience in similar roles

Skills and Abilities

  • Planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation skills
  • Organization and teamwork skills
  • Ability to support and train staff to enhance skills
  • Proactive and dynamic attitude
  • Ability to adapt and work under constraint, under pressure and in complex and multicultural contexts
  • Good listening and communication skills
  • Positive attitude to work, self-reflective, motivated, inspired, collegial
  • Strong commitment to the Mission of WeWorld-GVC
  • Demonstrates integrity with regards to NGO values and ethical standards
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism